Advantages of Using Skylights for Home Owners Builders
- Skyview Skylights bring the outdoors in, conserve energy, and brighten your home. All while protecting your sense of privacy.
- Natural light brings out the true colors of the floor coverings, walls, and furniture you worked so hard to coordinate. Skylights also dramatically reduce you need to invest in accessory lighting.
- With skylights, rooms are bright all day regardless of the sun’s position. No longer will your East facing rooms be dark in the afternoon…. and you won’t have to reach for the light switch every time you enter rooms facing the north.
- People’s spirits are raised in an atmosphere with an abundance of light and color. Skylights add a new sense of freedom, and an escape from confinement. In short, a psychological “lift”.
- Skylights bring in an abundance of natural light into interior rooms where it is impossible to put windows. These rooms no longer need to be dark and unpleasant work, play, or live in.
- Plants love skylights, so you no longer need to huddle plants around a window. The number and variety of plants with which you can decorate is greatly increased.
- Light from windows is uneven. Near the windows it is very strong, but the opposite side remains dark. Skyview Skylights distribute light uniformly throughout the room…and there is no window glare.
- In addition to the aesthetic and psychological advantages, skylights can be practical and economical energy saving devices. Acting as efficient passive solar collectors, they let in free light, which more than offsets the slight conductive heat loss.
Who We Are…
Solar Industries is a wholesale manufacturer of home and industrial skylights. We help consumers reduce their global energy footprint and receive sufficient daylight needs for an environmentally friendly and healthy space to live and work. We offer quality, energy-efficient skylights. Choose from our selection of stock or custom made self-flashing, curb mount fixed skylights in either aluminum or vinyl. We also offer operable, smoke hatch and louvered models. We offer an unmatched combination of service and quality for retailers. Call to see how you can become a local dealer of our fine products.